A marathon is a long-distance race that is 26.2 miles in length and is a physical and mental challenge. If you’ve been training with the goal of running one, but have never actually done it before, this article is for you!
Preparing for Marathon
There are a few tips that can prepare you both mentally and physically on your first marathon. The preparation time for a marathon amounts to months, not weeks or days.
You’ll need to start by building up your stamina through cardiovascular exercises like jogging and cycling, as well as muscular conditioning by lifting weights.
Body Conditioning
To make sure your body doesn’t get fatigued during the race, be sure to give it sufficient time to rest after exercising and eat a healthy diet. Eat foods rich in carbohydrates and protein before the race so you can power through without feeling exhausted during the end of the race. Although it may seem daunting at first, starting from scratch with your marathon preparation will show that it can.